Thursday, February 02, 2012

Nature Walk

A few months ago, Unity's preschool toured a fire station. The firefighters gave them some coloring books that illustrate how and when to call 9-1-1. One of the charming activities was this word search.

                                 You have to wonder who created this, Wednesday Adams? Honey, can you find
                                 s-e-v-e-r-e p-a-i-n?

                                         We went to the Arboretum. Unity took her notebook and carefully
                               recorded what we saw. Stick. Rock. Tree.  Hey, it's better than b-u-r-n.
                              Much much better in fact.

                                Somehow she's all Reese Witherspoon and he's all James Dean.

All that nature inspired us to come home and work on some collaborative paintings. And no, there were no i-n-j-u-r-i-e-s.

1 comment:

grandma cindy said...

Cute pics. She's a writer and an artist! I love it. Thanks for all the curls in the last picture!!