Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Sick as a....

             Still dealing with a massive cold here. Sigh. I've realized there are two kinds of sick people- the kind who wanted to be petted and fussed over (dogs) and the kind who just want to crawl away and be miserable alone (cats). Doesn't matter what kind you are, if you are a parent you never really get either luxury.

I'm just hoping it doesn't sweep through the rest of the fam.


mama cindy said...

Sorry you are still sick. No good deed goes unpunished??? By the way, which are you - dog? or cat? You were never too sick as a kid so I don't know. Wish I was closer so I could let you be either one.

oma said...

oh, boo! no rest for the stay-at-home parent, huh? hang in there. colds go away...eventually...