Sunday, March 04, 2012


                                    Oh my sweet muffin is turning five! I say this every year, but I really
can't believe it. Five seems like such a threshold, such a big transition.

                                 She's grown  about five inches since last year. Huge!

                                   Yesterday we had a fun fancy ocean tea party with crafts and games.

                                    Friends- Jordana, Ginger, Mimi, Beatrix, and Ilana. Alice and Nevia didn't want to be in the picture. Mimi and Beatrix are sisters, in case you can't tell from the squeeze.

Oh my love. We are so happy to have you.


Megan said...

happy birthday! love the first pic :-)

grandma ann said...

Thank you for the lovely pictures! Looks like you had a great time. Happy 5th birthday (both now and Tues.), Unity. Love, Grandma Ann

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Unity. She is growing so fast - enjoy every minute!

I really enjoy your site it is a great way for us to see and know the kids.

Baby By The Sea said...

Sweetness of little girl love. 5 is so special. We're about to have one of those celebrations around here for the middle one. I love how your photos really capture the happy giggles of a special day.

kim said...

she looks so much like mike in those first two pictures! at least i think so...