Monday, November 21, 2011

a blast from the past

This post mostly goes out to the people who knew me when I was a kid. Because most of the time my kids are their own amazing new people that I am discovering. But every once in a while they do something that just makes me wonder- where does this come from? how does it happen? What is the interlacing of genes and upbringing that led to this moment? I spent a large portion of my childhood making my own paper dolls. I drew figures or cut them out of magazines, named them all and set them up in scenes from my imagination or from books. Yesterday I discovered Unity had drawn a set of people and umbrellas, cut them out and lined them up. It was kind of amazing.

And then books. We are always surrounded by piles of books, people are always reading in any spare minute they can grab in this house, so I guess this next scene was inevitable. Still, it reminds me of a photo of me reading to my brother at around the same ages....if I can, I'll scan it in for comparisons.
I guess I don't much care where it comes from when I love the results so much.


grandma cindy said...

I love these "fresh" moments and also the wonderful memories they bring to mind! Thanks!!

grandma ann said...

I did the paper doll thing too. And, reading, of course. I'm really glad to see a continuation with all 4 of my grandchildren. Keep up the good work. p.s. Will there be books for anyone for