Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Yarn along- more cables

This week I'm still working on my cable and ribs scarf. I have been pleasantly surprised by how much I have really enjoyed knitting this- even though it's easy to lose my place in the pattern.

As for books, I finsished one and started two, one for my real book club and one for my virtual book club. The book I finished was Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. I was actaully very frustrated with it because I really loved her main character and her world building but then the plot went in some very predictable and tired directions. I read another YA book last year with pretty much the exact same "exciting plot twist" and a very similar doomed love involving angels. It was hard for me to read something that had the potential to be so good and have it tank.

For my real book club we're reading Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh  and for my virtual book club we're reading the Dark is Rising series, starting with Over Sea, Under Stone. I'm excited about both of these, even though I'm just starting them.

Linking with Ginny for more yarn and books.


mama cindy said...

The scarf looks great, Treens. It is a really interesting pattern. I'm glad I got to see you working on it in SF.

Eve said...

The Dark is Rising Series is AWESOME. Greg loves them too! Over Sea, Under Stone is kind of prequelly and a little younger than the rest (Susan Cooper wrote it like 20 years before writing the rest, and her ideas weren't totally fleshed out yet, is my suspicion) -- my favorites are The Dark Is Rising and The Grey King, of the series.