Monday, August 13, 2012


Despite the local newspaper headlines that summer is on it's way out, we are soaking it up still. Having those long lingering August days whilst still preparing for what's coming. It's a balance.

 Brixton got a turn on Unity's keyboard while she was at school. That kid loves his music in all ways, shapes and forms.

            We made the tastiest granola from this book. I'm so excited to try out her other recipies, including cheese crackers and homemade toster pastries.
It was a large amount and I thought it would last for weeks but it's already almost gone. Guess we'd better make more soon.

Also, we've been enjoying popsicles. This one is just plain yogurt and blueberries blended and frozen in the molds. The kids were so excited.

Can't forget to notice the sun, where and when I can.

1 comment:

grandma cindy said...

Glad you are still soaking up the sun and summer. I checked your link to the cookbook. It sounds fabulous.