Sunday, September 18, 2011

Autumn Weekend

Don't get me wrong, summer is great. I love summer. But my heart thrills at these early autumn days. I love walking with my hoodie on and the cool air with a tingle in it and the mist on my face and crunching through the leaves. I love pulling out the long sleeved shirts and the boots and the knit hats. I love making soup and steaming up the kitchen windows. I love that shiny new notebook feeling of possiblity and change and reflection. We had a great autumn weekend.

Brixton helped Chris fix a build break. (Yes, he was working on the weekend but only for 20 minutes or so.)

We hosted our rotating date night. Cooper's parents went out while Sophie and her parents stayed and hung out with us.

The kids helped me set up chairs for Meeting for Worship.

I met up with some former coworkers to watch a dedication of a very moving art project. There is a project called Homeless Remembrance Project, where artists create bronze leaves with the names of homeless people who have died. This particular leaf was in honor of Robert Hansen, the charming Real Change vendor who died suddenly last year two days after being released from the hospital with orders for bed rest. He was sleeping in his truck at the time, which is where he died. The dedication was a great remembrance of Robert and his cheesy jokes and boundless optimism.

Chris tried to get a nap. Largely unsuccessful.

A woman was selling off her whole yarn stash for a bargin. How could I resist?!

Whew. What a lovely autumn weekend.

Linking with Weekending.

Am I ready for the big time papa?


grandma cindy said...

What a weekend! Love the memorial leaves. It's really a wonderful idea. Not so crazy about the real leaves on the ground as you are, but glad you are enjoying the start of fall. Your new chairs look nice. Always fun to see Sophie and Cooper. Have fun with all of that new yarn. What's the next project?

amanda {the habit of being} said...

new yarn is always a good thing!