There is a website I strongly urge you to look it. It's called the new American dream and it is focused on ways we can live more sustainibly right now.
They have a list of nine things you can do towards this effort, plus lots of ideas to help you do them.
Here's the Nine Things:
1. Skip a car trip each week
2. Replace one beef meal each week
3. Shift your shrimp consumption
4. Work towards getting less junk mail
5. Replace four standard light bulbs with energy-efficient compact fluorescent lights (CFLs)
6. Move the thermostat 3 degrees
7. Eliminate lawn and garden pesticides
8.Install an efficient showerhead and low flow faucet aerators
9. Inspire two friends.
Some changes are easier than others, and there are lots of other things we can be doing as well like buying local as often as possible and lobbying our leaders for good climate policies. But we have to start somewhere.
Here's your incentive:
I checked out the website - - interesting. We already do some of the things suggested in your note. At school I encourage the students to reduce, reuse, recycle, both at school and at home. Treens, your Dad and I pledge to be more focused on all of this and will start by reducing our junk mail. Anyone else??? We definitely do have good incentive.
hey polly!
thanks for sharing the list. i'm feeling pretty good because i've done a bunch of those things for awhile now (no shrimp, beef maybe twice a month, efficient shower head, lightbulbs switched, and i call all junk mailers and hound them 'til they stop!) but there is always more to do, so keep those polemics coming!
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