Sunday, March 23, 2008

the garden in March

The big picture, saying hi to the chickens, daffodil, the view along the garlic, Chris and his laurels...
New compost bin, Unity's cherry tree is budding (hi Uncle Bruin!), a tulip!, the new veggie plots...


Cindy said...

Nice job on the garden expansion. Everything looks good. Especially loved the pic of Unity and her tree. We'll look forward to another one in a week or two. Memories, memories . . . some very old, some from only a year ago. . . special indeed!!

oma said...

looks great! you guys have made some progress.

Anonymous said...

Every thing looks super. You are doing a nice job with the garden.
We still have a lot of snow here, but maybe in a few weeks....
Glad to see Unity's tree is thriving, as is Unity, herself.

Joanna A said...

Looks beautiful. Also glad to see from the other post that the dress fits her into the warm weather! I wish it would stop snowing here so that I can get to gardening, and also so that I can take my students outside to do some field research-- right now everything is covered in snow and ice. Boo!!

Stephanie Kuehnert said...

I'm so seriously jealous of your garden!