Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Cast your vote

So there is a bit of a friendly debate going on in our house today. As of today, Unity is offically four weeks old. So does that make her, as one of us proclaims, one month old? Or, as the other insists, do we have to wait until Friday the 6th because she was born on the 6th of March? What do you think gentle readers?

At any rate, here's some photos of the ever-growing four week old.


Anonymous said...

I think it will only be an issue this first month. Dad votes for Unity being a month old now since she is four weeks. I say, even though that is correct, it's just going to be a whole lot easier to count the months as they fly by if you just use the 6th as your marker. Aren't we diplomatic? You both get our votes! And speaking of time flying by . . . it's hard to think that she is already four weeks old!

Alejandro said...

umm...she's four wks, not a month. otherwise her birthday would be february 3, 2007; january 1, 2008; etc.

Anonymous said...

I mostly agree with Grandma Cindy-- and also, I think if a month were 4 weeks, pregnancy would be 10 months, not 9 months.


Anonymous said...

she's a month old today, but not because it's been 4 weeks. she was born on the first tuesday in march. therefore, the first tuesday in april is 1 month.

by extension, her birthday is the first tuesday in march, so please expect a card on that day from me and aunt K! :)

Kristine G said...

Oh no, Grandma Cindy - if we let this go, it won't stop here. (Personal to Uncle Pat: our wedding anniversary is the 24th! Not the 3rd weekend in September! :-) ) Looks like the ladies say she is one month old on the 6th. Unity should get the final vote, and see - ladies win! Note how in Photo #2 she is holding up 4 fingers, thus telling us she is 4 weeks old. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a discussion. I've been out all day, and can't comment. Math
issues have never been my strong point.

LOVE, Grandma G.

sara said...

um, she would have been two fortnights old, or one moon old, but definitely not a month.... until today!

Anonymous said...

She's one month on the sixth and not a day sooner. But seeing as it is now the 9th...Happy belated Month Old day!

Unknown said...

Now that you have the birthday figured out, it looks like it's time for Chris to get some sleep!

Nancy TX