Friday, November 23, 2012


Our Quakerly Co-housing potluck Thanksgiving went so well. There were about 50 of us, pretty much equally divided between adults and kids. There were people from our Quaker Meeting, and another nearby Meeting, people who live in the Co-housing space and assorted friends and neighbors. We had toddlers and teenagers and grandparents and everyone in between. And so much amazing great food that everyone had a full plate.
Even with so many people, we were able to go around and take turns giving thanks. Health, friends and family were popular ones but we also heard thanks that the election was over and one kid gave thanks for the human race.
But mostly we kept hearing this space. These people. This community.
So so thankful.


grandma cindy said...

Looks like a lovely and meaningful way to celebrate Thanksgiving. So happy, and thankful, for you all.

oma said...

so so wonderful. i love your heart pie. enjoy the long weekend, friends. xoxo