Monday, July 28, 2014

Home from Yearly

We are returned from our five days at North Pacific Yearly Meeting. It's a gathering of Quakers from Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. This year it was in Forest Grove, Oregon for the second time. 

It's always a chance to meet and remeet good people, to hear stories of what life is like in many different places. To overhear snatches of conversations about the death penalty and the authorization of military force, about cycling across states and being arrested for peace. 

The kids run around in little packs, doing crafts and singing songs. The last night that we are together there is a Community Night with skits and songs. Brixton's group dressed up like suns and sang "You are my Sunshine." Unity's group made their own flags and did a dance to the anthem for the World Cup. 

It's a whole separate world, with a different rhythm, long conversations and shared community. I lose track of time there, forget the day and am barely aware of time. It's another kind of time altogether. 

1 comment:

grandma cindy said...

It sounds like a wonderful experience for adults and children. Love the props and song choices for the kids' skits! I am so glad you all had this chance to share in the sense of a broader community,