Saturday, February 14, 2009

sicky sick sick

Unity has been having a rough time for the last couple of days. She's got some molars coming in which makes her grumpy and sick. Nothing seems to be the way she wants it to be. This photo captures the mood:

But things aren't all bad. Uncle Bruin is visiting from the Bay Area and hung out with Unity so we could go out to dinner for Valentines Day. Here's a serious photo and our modern take of American Gothic


Anonymous said...

Love the depiction and so glad to see Chris on his feet. What happened to all the facial hair? Quite a handsome guy there, Chris!
Sorry to hear our little one is having teething problems. No fun for any of you. Hopefully, they'll all come in soon and Unity will once again be her sweet self.
Thanks for the Valentine, loved it!
Much love, Grandma Bette

Anonymous said...

1. Poor baby!
2. Nice picture!
3. Museum quality!

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a good time and that Unity feels better. It's great to see that smile when she's ok.