Saturday, February 02, 2008

Reason for being

Everyone has a place that is their reason for being. I don't mean spiritually or emotional, I mean concretely. Mine is Illinois State University- specifically a dance where a skinny guy with a mustache asked a girl who stood with her heels on the backs of her sneakers to dance, and then went home to write her name in his planner so he wouldn't forget it. Chris's is a beach in Cape Cod (he thinks) where a charming man walking his dog stopped to chat with a young lady. Unity's reason for being is a little bookstore near Pike Place Market where a bespeckeled member of the collective made up excuses to talk to the scruffy shaved-head volunteer girl while she alphabetized the index cards. Then they went to the library book sale together, and the rest...well you know. So, here's to Left Bank Books.


Anonymous said...

I sure am glad you both love books so much. Was I right, Treens? Remember when I used to say that we always ran into the nicest people in the library? The same thing is obviously true of bookstores too!

oma said...

what a sweet, lovely little post. i love the images.

Stephanie Kuehnert said...

Great post and topic to explore and I personally love Unity's literary beginnings.I think it means great things for her!