Covered in glitter and crumbs. Waking up to maracas and fairy wings. Pockets full of rubber bands and dandelions. Buried under book piles. Dirty hands with homemade kombucha. Coffee in the rain. Waiting for that sacred scrap of silence.
Brixton enjoys his gripping tale of a bird and some buttons. Meanwhile, Unity and Cooper frolic under the same dinning room table that has hosted many a birthday and Christmas dinner for the past thirty years and more.
ah, the newborn experience. They're so sweet and tiny...and they eat so much...and fuss...and stay up at all hours...
There's a tradition for our babies to celebrate this busy and exciting time with a onsie that so eloquently expresses those moments of bleary eyed confusion and emotion. So here's Brixton's contribution to the tradition:
Please welcome Brixton Marcel to the world. Our little acrobat did a last minute somersault into a breach position. He was therefor born via C-Section today, Oct 1st at the University of Washington Medical Center at 10:51AM. He weighs 7lb 9oz and is 19" long. Brixton and Polly are doing very well and will probably be at the hospital for the next 2-3 days to recover.